All abstracts must be prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. The abstract must be written in English.
  2. Abstract title is limited to 20 words.
  3. Abstract is limited to 300 words (this does not include the title, author’s names, institutions and keywords).
  4. Abstract must be in a structured form, including (but not limited to) background, aim, methods, result, and conclusion.
  5. The abstract may contain tables, figures or chemical structures. Note: per abstract not more than 1 page (size A4).
  6. Keywords are limited to 5 words

Please save your abstract in Ms. Word file, with this following file name:
File name: Name_abstract
Example: Budi_abstract

"We are currently preparing our payment gateway. Your registration has been recorded, and we will notify you once the payment system is ready. We apologize for the inconvenience."

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