The Alana Hotel Yogyakarta, October | 31st - November 2nd, 2024

"Synergies in Digital Healthcare: Bridging Pharmacy Research and Patient Wellness"

In conjunction with

Supported by:

Asian Chemical Biology Initiative (ACBI)

The advancement of medical technology is inseparable from the role of research conducted in the field of pharmacy, including both basic and applied research. Pharmaceutical research continually evolves year after year, necessitating a platform that can serve as a forum for information sharing among researchers. Universitas Indonesia recognizes the importance of enhancing researchers’ understanding and response to advancements in pharmaceutical research at both national and international levels.
Furthermore, digital healthcare services have become more prominent since the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-pandemic situation. Technology in the pharmaceutical sector has accelerated alongside digital health services. We believe that basic pharmaceutical research and patient well-being need to be integrated to create synergy with digital healthcare services. In this way, technological advancements in the health sector can continue to be improved to address future health challenges. Therefore, the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Indonesia will hold a scientific conference titled “The 7th International Conference on Advance Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,” with the theme “Synergies in Digital Healthcare: Bridging Pharmacy Research and Patient Wellness.”
ICAPPS is one of the flagship programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy at UI to support the advancement of pharmaceutical research in the country. This program brings together researchers from professional, academic, and industrial backgrounds from Indonesia and several partner countries to share and exchange ideas about ongoing research.

Important Dates

up to July 15, 2024

Early Bird Registration

up to August 31, 2024

up to September 23 2024

Late Registration and Abstract Submission

October 15, 2024

Abstract Announcement

*for non presenter registration is open until October 22nd, 2024

Plenary Speakers

The main topics covered are:

  • Digital Health and Patient Wellbeing
  • Natural Products and Wellness
  • Drug Discovery
  • Drug Delivery and Targeting
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Cosmetics
  • Nutraceuticals

Universities partners for IPNaCS

Journal Partner:

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